Home > Used Medical equipment > Microscope > Zeiss LUMERA 700 Ophthalmic Microscope available near Lyon

Zeiss LUMERA 700 Ophthalmic Microscope available near Lyon

Price : 70 000,00 €

Available 3rd week od December 2023, this very nice 2020 Zeiss Lumera 700


The Zeiss Lumera 700 microscope, widely recognized as the Lumera 700, stands as a pinnacle of excellence in surgical microscopy. Engineered with an ergonomic design and featuring cutting-edge technological components, the Lumera 700 sets itself apart with its versatility and unparalleled optical clarity.


At its core, the Lumera 700 integrates an innovative LED lighting system, delivering uniform illumination and precise color reproduction crucial for intricate surgical procedures. The inclusion of the exclusive Varioskop® technology allows for continuous variable magnification, providing surgical professionals with unmatched flexibility for precise visualization at various stages of the intervention.


This advanced microscope boasts brilliant optics and intelligent automatic focusing, ensuring optimal resolution throughout the entire surgical procedure. Technical features include a high-speed data management system and integrated image recording functionality, allowing comprehensive documentation of medical procedures for future reference and analysis.

In summary, the Zeiss Lumera 700 microscope represents a milestone in surgical microscopy, combining state-of-the-art technical features such as variable magnification, LED illumination, and intelligent focusing with exceptional user-friendliness. It stands as an indispensable choice for healthcare professionals engaged in high-precision surgical interventions

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